Blog | Miroslav Vlcek

The Evenk Spring.

Song lyrics inspired by the Aboriginal people of Siberia. volne ke kolaboraci - open for collaboration. 

The Evenk Spring.

(c) miroslav vlcek 2008.



On the raindeer true the Taiga

young Evenk woman is ridding slow.

Birch forest around her

in every direction

have again that magic glow.


Snow is melting sun is warmer

springtime is advancing every day.

Raindeer are restless

more and more restless.

They are looking to the North

and sniffing air.


And songs of Love did begun to be filling Taiga

from the Baykal to the Laptev Sea.

And all those songs of Love for such a long time

by deep snow and long winter inprisoned.

All of those songs are now free.


And there is more then just one song to sing

for young Evenk woman in Evenk spring.


Snow is melting – – – –