Blog | Miroslav Vlcek


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Nippon Movie.

(c) miroslav vlcek 2008.



This trees line is reminding me of the Nippon movie

in what young boy was watching dancing trees.

Those trees were standing on the hillside in three lines like a Haiku

they were dancing in night vision of strong summer breeze.


This trees line did inspired Haiku

poet's girlfriend did smile and said – Hai.

We did arrive in to the Shimomeguro Meguro – Ku Station

I had to leave and say good bye.


We did arrive in to the Shimomeguro Meguro – Ku Station

I had to leave and say good bye.


Shimomeguro Meguro – Ku Station

without the doubt is still the same.

I did forget where that trees line was standing

but I did not forget poet girlfriend's name.

I also did forget name of that Nippon movie

but not that short three lines Haiku without fame.


Yes I  also did forget name of that Nippon movie

but not that short three lines Haiku without fame.


Dance is a beauty dance could be a vision

vision could bring love excitment

and even fear.


This trees line is – – – –